Cash Gifts for a Baby ShowerCash Gifts for a Baby Shower

How to Ask for Money as Gifts for a Baby Shower

Financial Gifting
June 24, 2024
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Greatest Gift is the financial gifting platform for children's long term savings.

Send and receive monetary gifts for children's long term savings.

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Congratulations! You’re having a baby!

Everyone is so excited – grandparents, uncles and aunts, the whole family and your friends too.

They can't wait for the baby shower to spoil you with baby gifts.

Unfortunately, some of the gifts they’ll buy are things you already have, and many are things you don’t need.

Honestly, you'd just rather get money as gifts instead.

Gone are the days when cash gifts felt impersonal.

Welcome to the new era of baby shower gifting!

Nowadays, cash gifts are not just acceptable, they're a practical and thoughtful way to support new parents.

With Greatest Gift's cash baby registry, they become a thoughtful way to invest in your little one's financial future.

Cash gifts provide endless possibilities and allow you to use the funds in the best way possible.

There are a few other ways you can let people know you prefer money instead of gifts for your baby shower.

Up Ahead:

The Benefits of Monetary Gifts for a Baby Shower

As parents-to-be, you're in the best position to know what your baby needs.

Cash gifts provide endless possibilities. They allow you to use the funds in the best way possible.

Gift cards are a common choice, but they're often not used.

In fact, a lot of money on gift cards gets wasted every year. More precisely, more than $3 billion in unredeemed gift cards are wasted every year.

Cash is different. It helps you look after your baby's future right from the start.

Here's the thing: cash gifts are more than just money; they're a step towards your child's future.

When invested through UTMA accounts or 529 plans, they can be a powerful tool.

Whether it's saving for college or their first big adventure, cash can help set them up for a good start.

And the best part?

A little bit of money now can grow into a lot more by the time they're older.

Every dollar invested when your child is born can grow by as much as three and a half times by the time they go to college.

Monetary baby shower gift growth potential - Greatest Gift
Monetary baby shower gift growth potential over 6, 12 and 18 years

Why it’s ok to Ask for Money as Baby Shower Gifts

People love to contribute to a child's future, but they often don't know the best way to do it.

Cash gifts are a simple and increasingly popular solution.

They've become just as acceptable for baby showers as they are in wedding registries. In fact, in a 2015 survey by Upromise 7 out of 10 parents said money was their preferred gift.

It's all about giving something that truly matters and helps.

People enjoy investing in children's futures

The beauty of cash gifts lies in their flexibility. They fit any budget and can be used exactly where they're needed most.

And thanks to new technologies, giving cash doesn't have to feel impersonal.

With platforms like Greatest Gift, cash gifts become a personal and thoughtful experience, complete with custom messages and the option to invest.

In short, asking for cash gifts isn’t just okay; it’s a practical, flexible, and personal way to support your child's future.

Collect Money with a Diaper Fund

A diaper fund is a special kind of cash fund that your friends and family can contribute to.

While it's called a 'diaper fund,' it's much more than just for diapers.

You can use it for all sorts of baby essentials, from diapers to other must-haves like baby wipes and clothes.

diaper fund

Gift givers know the funds can also be used for childcare, furniture, or even starting a savings fund for your little one’s future.

Many baby registries offer diaper funds as a feature. However, most registries limit the funds to be used at their store.

Greatest Gift's Diaper Funds

Platforms like Greatest Gift have taken this a step further by offering a versatile diaper fund.

Here, you can share your specific goals for the fund.

Choose and share goals like stocking up on baby supplies or planning ahead for your child's educational needs.

This approach makes gift-giving practical and meaningful.

Your friends and family will appreciate the convenience and the opportunity to contribute to something that really matters in your baby's life

Start a Baby Fund

Embarking on the journey of parenthood brings many dreams and aspirations for your child's future.

A baby fund is a fantastic way to start turning those dreams into reality.

It's a special savings that friends and family can add to, helping with future costs like college, a first car, or even a family trip to Disney.

The beauty of a baby fund is that it sets clear expectations right from the start. You’re not just saving for the immediate future, but for significant milestones in your child’s life.

Greatest Gift's Baby Fund

With Greatest Gift, you can easily set up a baby fund and share what you're saving for.

Whether it's for education, a future house, or other big dreams, this platform allows you to make your goals clear to everyone who contributes.

It's a simple, transparent way for your loved ones to be part of your child’s growth and future successes from the very start

Open an Investment or Savings Account for your Baby

Open an investment or savings account for your baby and invite guests to contribute.

This could be a 529 plan for college or a custodial account.

Gift givers may feel more comfortable knowing they’re sending a financial gift to an existing account.

That way they know the cash goes towards a bigger goal and won't be wasted.

More Ways to Ask for Cash as Baby Shower Gifts

1) Set financial goals for your baby

A baby shower is the perfect opportunity to kickstart savings for bigger goals.

Giving cash might feel impersonal, but giving a monetary gift that goes towards a savings goal is meaningful.

Let your guests know you're using the baby shower as a chance to save for your baby's future.

Explain that cash gifts will go towards important goals like diapers, college savings or a first home.

This gives more meaning to their contributions and turns a simple cash gift into a part of your child's future.

goals for cash gifts

2) Create a baby registry

In addition to a traditional baby shower registry for essential items, consider adding a link to a cash gifting website like Greatest Gift.

Keep your baby registry minimalistic and only add the baby registry must haves to it.

Share your goals and target uses for the funds In the cash registry

This gives guests the option to contribute to either traditional gifts or your financial goals.

Be clear and polite about how you'll use the cash gifts by sharing the goals and target uses for the gift funds.

3) Ask for cash gifts in the baby shower invitation

In your invitations, digital or printed, include a note about your preference for cash gifts.

Make sure to be polite in your message.

If you have an online cash registry or a personalized gifting page, share the link or a QR code.

A brief message in the invitation can guide guests who are unsure about what to give.

Gifts are not expected, but if you wish to send a gift, a financial gift for our little one's future would be very welcome.

Make sure to write a few words to let people know how they can support your goals and what you need most for your baby.

We’ve provided a few example in this article.

10 Examples of How to Ask for Cash Gifts in the Baby Shower Invitation - Wording

Let's take a look at a few different ways to word your request in a polite way.

1. Celebrating New Beginnings:

We're overjoyed to welcome a new member to our family! Our nest is ready with all the essentials, but we're also thinking ahead. We've set up a savings account for our little one's future and welcome any contributions. Can't wait to celebrate this joyous occasion with you!

2. Ready and Equipped:

Join us for a Baby Shower to celebrate our newest arrival! We've got the basics covered - stroller, car seat, crib, and more. To help give our baby a great start in life, we'd appreciate cash gifts towards their future. From college funds to first big adventures, every contribution counts!

3. Long-Distance Love

Though we're far apart, we feel your love and support for our growing family. Gifts aren't necessary, but if you'd like to send something, a financial contribution to our baby's future would mean a lot. Hope we can all celebrate together soon!

4. Presence is the best Present:

We're so happy to celebrate our special day with you! Your presence is the best present, but if you want to help us prepare for our future as a family, please contribute to our financial goals with a cash gift!

5. Investing in Dreams:

We have our little one, and we're so excited! While they're still small, we're already dreaming big - from college savings to their first family Disney trip. If you'd like to contribute to these dreams, a cash gift will mean the world to us.

6. First Steps Toward a Bright Future:

As we eagerly await our baby's arrival, we're thinking about the first steps toward the baby's bright future. We have the baby essentials prepared and want to what lies ahead. If you're considering a gift, a contribution to our child's fund would be a meaningful start. Together, we can make today the first step towards a lifetime of opportunities for our little one.

7. A Heartfelt Request:

Our hearts are overflowing as we prepare to welcome our new baby. We deeply value your love and support. If you wish to celebrate with a gift, we gratefully accepting contributions to a fund that will support our child's early years and future needs. Your generosity will lay the foundation for a bright and promising future.

8. Building Memories Together:

As we get ready for our baby's arrival, we're not just preparing a nursery; we're preparing for a lifetime of memories. We've set up a fund for future experiences and milestones - think first bike, first trip to the zoo, or even starting a business. If you wish to contribute to these moments, we would be deeply touched.

9. A Legacy of Love:

As our family grows, we're focusing on building a strong foundation for our child. In celebrating our baby's arrival, we invite our dear friends and family to contribute to a legacy of love and opportunity. Instead of traditional gifts, consider showing your love through an investment in our baby's future, be it for education, hobbies, or essential needs as they grow.

10. A Journey Together:

We're embarking on the most exciting journey of our lives and would love for you to be a part of it. Instead of traditional gifts, we're inviting our loved ones to contribute to a special fund that will support our child's journey - from their first steps to their first big achievements. Your contribution, no matter the size, is a cherished step in this journey.

Ask for Money Gifts for Your Baby Shower with Greatest Gift’s Help

Greatest Gift is an online cash gifting platform for children’s long-term savings.

Greatest Gift lets you share with your friends and family that you are saving for a brighter future and introduces them to an easy and exciting way of investing in your children's futures.

Setting financial goals and sharing them through Greatest Gift's personalized gifting pages helps gift givers see the greater purpose of the gift and how they can kickstart a young one's financial future.  

personalized cash gifting page - Greatest Gift
An example of a personal gifting page with saving goals

In addition to gifting pages, Greatest Gift also helps you share directly over text messages and emails. If you don't want to send a message yourself, we can send an email for you. Sign up and check out all the great ways to share on  Greatest Gift.

Once you receive gifts, you can send thank you notes directly from the Greatest Gift platform. We'll even suggest a few opening lines!

How to Write Thank You Notes for Money Gifts

After the party is over, and the baby is born, we’d like to remind you not to forget the “Thank You” notes. Give your gift-givers the credit they deserve in helping you start your child on the right path to saving!

Make it personal by adding a picture or cute video of the newborn.

Specifically, with cash gifts, you can show your gratitude by sharing a bit of how you will use the money. If you open a savings account or fund for the baby, let them know their money was used to help start that account! If you buy that stroller you always wanted, share it with them and let them know they made it happen.

Sending a thank you note can have a magical effect on gift givers.

The greatest wonder of life is about to happen.

From all of us at Greatest Gift, good luck, and happy gifting!

About Greatest Gift

Greatest Gift is the financial gifting platform for children's long term savings.

Send and receive monetary gifts for children's long term savings.

Discover great ways to save and invest for children.
Learn More

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I love how easy it is to give a meaningful gift to the kids and tots in my life!
It means a lot to me that I can contribute to their future, and Greatest Gift makes the experience seamless and fun.

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Our son just turned two. We created his gifting page with Greatest Gift and shared it on the birthday evite. The results were amazing! We received 12 gifts that will be going to his college fund and savings.
Love this platform.

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We have a 2-year-old and another baby on the way, and we love Greatest Gift’s discover section. I look forward to learning about the right financial tools to help build their future and set them up for success financially.

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